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Nexus Tabletop
Nov 22, 2020
NEXUS Season 8: Unifying the game system. During this next year, and the latest Season of ISR, Season 8, there will be lots of new...
Courtney L (Q)
Oct 28, 2023
Age of Destruction: The War - Gwenyth IV
Gwenyth's man hunt for the identity of the Swift is finally nearing a conclusion. Will she succeed in cracking the secret?
Courtney L (Q)
Apr 20, 2023
Age of Destruction: War - Gwenyth III
Gwenyth is a daughter of Kairon, a chosen warrior who has been in service to the Forgeborn ever since she can remember.
Courtney L (Q)
Apr 7, 2023
Age of Destruction: War - Gwenyth II
Gwenyth is a daughter of Kairon, a chosen warrior who has been in service to the Forgeborn ever since she can remember.
Courtney L (Q)
Apr 3, 2023
Age of Destruction: War - Gwenyth I
Gwenyth is a daughter of Kairon, a chosen warrior who has been in service to the Forgeborn ever since she can remember.
Courtney L (Q)
Mar 11, 2023
Atlas Session Logs: 01/04/2020
Kyron, Gwenyth, Meso, and another character are all finding their way in the Milky Way Galaxy. What will happen?
Courtney L (Q)
Dec 4, 2022
Lotus Session Log: 09/12/2020
They meet up with the Sun Rose and they talk over what happened. The captain goes over the
ship's logs with various states of shock...
Dec 3, 2022
Age of Destruction: Saturday Session Log 03DEC2022
Notes from the December 3rd, 2022 session KAIRON: Kairon asks for a status update on the Andromeda Galaxy. Receives word that there is a...
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