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Courtney L (Q)
Apr 27, 2021
Lotus Session: 05/02/2020
A ship called the Lotus was caught in a space anomaly caused by a thermal explosion. They are now far away from home...
Courtney L (Q)
Apr 27, 2021
Saturday Session Log: 4/24/2021
There is no session log for the 24th of April. Rumor: Harbinger found and a fight for survival is underway. Will they survive?
Nexus Tabletop
Apr 23, 2021
[NPR] Nexus Progress Report 4/23/21
Changes Artwork Here is the latest piece of artwork we got from Hugo! The Deovian race, with small freckles like colorations on their...
Nexus Tabletop
Apr 22, 2021
Deovian Artwork
Here's a piece of artwork by Hugo for the Deovian race. The reference character being Layla Keane. Wonderful artwork as always, but I can...
Courtney L (Q)
Apr 20, 2021
Lotus Session: 04/18/2020
A ship called the Lotus was caught in a space anomaly caused by a thermal explosion. They are now far away from home...
Nexus Tabletop
Apr 19, 2021
Tuesday Session 15: The Prophet Today we say goodbye to JCapt (Josiah) for several months. We will miss him dearly and are looking forward...
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