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Nexus Tabletop
May 31, 2021
Prakkam Artwork
The latest piece of artwork from Hugo. The Prakkam species! Surano'o depicted here specifically.
Courtney L (Q)
May 30, 2021
Lotus Session Log: 05/09/2020
At warp speed... A signal is picked up.. It appears as if the signal is coming from behind...recognizes the ship to be The Blood Swan...
Nexus Tabletop
May 23, 2021
Lotus Artwork
This time around I went to another artist to try for an example of a starship. I'm not at all disappointed. I present, the Lotus! Thank...
Nexus Tabletop
May 23, 2021
[NPR] Nexus Progress Report 5/23/21
Changes Artwork There are a few pieces of artwork in this NPR this week! A few from Hugo, as per the norm, and a new artist commission...
Courtney L (Q)
May 22, 2021
Saturday Session Log: 05/15/2021
A group of bounty hunters, monks, and several unwanted individuals are forced to work together for the most part.
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